Sunday, September 26, 2010

a surprise engagement.

i did tell you my other half decided to get married in 6 months' right?  i (and everyone else for that matter) thought that THAT would be the last crazy stunt pulled by my man. until he called me up last week and made another decision that we get engaged next friday.


initially, it was just supposed to a discussion among both families. but somehow, it has become more than that. hehe. obviously, i didn't prepare anything. luckily i found 1 tailor who was willing to do my dress overnight. of course, the cut was ok but it wasn't exactly jawbreakingly beautiful. it was simple and it didn't help that the tailor refused to do the dress the way i desired. that said, i  called up the ever so sweet zaza, who is kind enough to take up the challenge of beautifying an otherwise ugly plain dress within 5-6 days. i can't wait to see how the dress turns out but i trust that zaza will work her magic, just like what she did to my mum's baju kurung.

on another great note, we picked up my wedding ring yesterday. it was beautiful (to me at least) and it was exactly how i envisioned my wedding ring to be - a classic round solitaire in a 4-prong setting. something like this, but not this huge definitely (image courtesy of google). mine is only slightly over half a carat. takpe, ada rezeki, we can always upgrade, insha Allah. in the mean time, this is already good enough, if not great. Alhamdulillah.

on the downside, haven't found a ring for the other half. still looking around for slightly affordable custom made platinum rings. the thing is, he is a size 24 (and i'm 8. triple!). clearly, it would be rather detrimental to my pocket but he put his foot down that he wants platinum. grrr. any ideas where to get competitive price for platinum rings? 

til then!

ps: i have no idea how my engagement ring looks like. the other half bought it himself and insisted that i see it only on the engagement day for that element of surprise. stubborn much?


Sue said...

Woohoo~ Super (& surprising) news indeed. You're getting engaged today right? (ke dah engaged dah??)

Anway congrats, babe! ;)

P/S: Care to share some photos? *wink2*

Miss Inaza said...

Stumble across your blog.. =) Hope 2 read more post from you..

and congratulations on ure engagement.. =)

liyana the unreluctant bride said...

hey sue and inaza, will do once i have the time ya? thank you sweeties!

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